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Live Audio Stream​

This is a live mirror of KWRK-LP 101.7 FM as heard in Fairbanks, Alaska.

You can listen with the embedded player below, on Mixlr, or at this permalink.

Donate with PayPal
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Follow the latest developments
with KWRK-LP and
independent sources like these.

Broadcast Schedule
as of January 5, 2025
(subject to regular, unannounced changes)



Our Story

Fairbanks Open Radio emerged from the KUAC Listeners' Alliance of 2005.

On February 13, 2016, we launched KWRK-LP live at the Fairbanks Winter Folk Fest.

We've been on the air ever since - the first eight years at 90.9 FM and now 101.7 FM as of May 26, 2024.

In February 2018, Fairbanks Open Radio began a trial run of an Internet live stream
that's been online 24/7 a solid 90% of the time and growing.

More details are available here.



In-Person Meetings


Third Thursdays @ 5:30 PM

with Virtual Option

Join us at our College Corner studio office shared with the Alaska Peace Center

at 3535 College Road, Suite 203 (above Fuji Steakhouse).

Or attend remotely via Zoom.

Dial +1 907 374 0577 to leave us a message.


Your voice mail could be a ...


Public service announcements for public events, public notices, support services, etc. are welcome.

You'll have options to listen or start over at the end.

We'll get it on the air!!

Station ID

Now that your ears are glued to KWRK-LP, are you ready to throw your voice behind the cause?!
Leave us a message that includes "KWRK-LP 101.7 FM Fairbanks" exactly - no deviations! -

and then whatever you want before or after.

It's voice mail, so you can listen, delete, re-record, etc.

See more detailed suggestions here.

Fairbanks Open Radio Solidarity Network

Join our low-volume email distribution list

where we solicit specific feedback

and announce significant developments and opportunities to support our efforts.

Please email suggestions and expressions of solidarity to

Comments submitted via the form below also land at that mailbox,
all subject to the erratic pace of correspondence that our humble efforts can

With those who 'LIKE' our facebook page,

we share information about upcoming broadcasts and events

and any news items, analyses, or memes that strike the admins' fancy

but should otherwise in no way be confused

with the views or opinions of the nonprofit corporate entity that is Fairbanks Open Radio.

We enjoy postcards and contributions of every sort. Our mailing address is:

Fairbanks Open Radio

3535 College Road, Suite 203

Fairbanks, Alaska 99709

Thanks! Message sent.

Fairbanks Open Radio is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation dedicated to bringing independent radio to Interior Alaska.

We operate KWRK-LP 101.7 FM on unceded Tanana Dené lands in Fairbanks, Alaska.

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